Remove the Headers by navigating to the Insert tab, in the Header & Footer section, click on Footer then Remove Footer. Remove the footers by navigating to the Insert tab, in the Header
If the page numbers are found in the Footers,.Is it in the footer or the header section? Page numbers in the footerĪre found at the bottom of the pages whilst page numbers in the headers are Identify the section that contains the page.(such as a Letter Head) in your Headers or Footers. NOTE: Use this approach if you don’t have other content In Microsoft Word, page numbers are inserted into eitherĭeleting the pages’ Headers or Footers means deletingĮverything it contains including the page numbers.
Option 2: Remove page numbers in MS Word by removing the Footer In this case, delete one of the page numbers in that section in order to remove all the page numbers. NOTE: If there are still page numbers for some of the pages, it means that there’s a page break that divides your document into sections.